About the Author of this BLog

My photo
Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE
There's a lot of a little bit of me, I can do basic house architectural design, Photographer and journalist during my h.s. and I would love to pursue it. Can fix simple to a bit advance computer problem, good in reports and thesis, Project planning and scheduling, Business Risk Analyst. I love making something colorful especially when it comes from scraps. My inter-personality are a bit high like i have a good sense in understanding such behavior. I love to talk but nowadays I’m a bit patience about hearing other thoughts. I’m eager, Aggressive, Maniac, Dreamer, Lover, Man-whore, and what I love about myself is that I never stop learning new things and discovering my potentials.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My House Project

Project RJ/001/09

The Project RJ/001/09 built with love and passion. It’s my first time to use Google Sketch-up 6.0 versions and I am quite amaze from what it can do as I’m an Amateur to it. If you’re interested in learning this software I can give you assistance. If you’re interested in collaborating with your dream home I can also lend some hand. As the saying goes “Passion creates beauty in every man’s work”.

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