About the Author of this BLog

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Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE
There's a lot of a little bit of me, I can do basic house architectural design, Photographer and journalist during my h.s. and I would love to pursue it. Can fix simple to a bit advance computer problem, good in reports and thesis, Project planning and scheduling, Business Risk Analyst. I love making something colorful especially when it comes from scraps. My inter-personality are a bit high like i have a good sense in understanding such behavior. I love to talk but nowadays I’m a bit patience about hearing other thoughts. I’m eager, Aggressive, Maniac, Dreamer, Lover, Man-whore, and what I love about myself is that I never stop learning new things and discovering my potentials.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

E-mails; necessity at risk!

The Innovative Pinoy Scammer; Fraud in E-mails

For sure you have heard the story about the load scam – a third party who are using your account either your yahoo messenger I.D. or via e-mail, and asking your friends to buy out a massive load (about 20K or more) that you need (which they didn’t know that’s it’s another person who are using your identity). This is beginning to takes its place especially for the Filipino’s working abroad. As the hacked e-mail of your friend tells you to buy and send him the load and even call you to make sure you are going to send the money. I have personally known someone who had experienced this kind situation and its becoming a chain cases with the contact friends in his e-mail. I would like to share some tips to protect your e-mail account and a like and to avoid such fraud;
1) Don’t be easily believe if someone or even from the person you know that he needs money to be send as soon as possible. – You have the right to be vigilant and investigate especially when money is involved. It’s your own cash anyway.
2) Asking for proof is not enough – Since the identity of your friend has been hacked, asking for evidence does not secure your talking to the right guy.
3) Reverse the person. Make some alibi – tell him you need ten (10) days for the clearance of your bank check or so and notice his reactions.
Email Security;
1) Your password is like your gate way code; treat it as highly confidential item.
2) Always make a back-up plan. Answering the questions provided by your e-mail host incase you forgot your password is one good example.
3) Don’t put on details your identity (i.e. your birthplace, mother’s name. etc). it is always safe to put something secret about yourself.
4) I also suggest if you can afford to handle 2 or 3 email accounts. The other will serve as your back-up without any related links to one another.
5) And last, it is important to Post a NOTICE-OF-DISCLOSURE announcing your email is no longer in business and you are not involve on any transactions it create for your own sake and for the friends and family you have related it to. Note that a hard back-up copy of the list of the email is a necessity if your treating your e-mail as your own self.
Hope this could help… ‘til my next blog.

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